
Cartoons? Chinese paintings?

There are two main techniques in Chinese painting:
  • Meticulous - Gong-bi (工笔) often referred to as "court-style" painting. 
  • Freehand - Shui-mo (水墨) loosely termed watercolour or brush painting. The Chinese character "mo" means ink and "shui" means water. This style is also referred to as "xie yi" (写意) or freehand style.
And what would the picture looks like if those ancient Chinese paint a cartoon,let's check it out:
The funniest, the last:


When Beijing puts on the mask for nights...

It happened several times that people asked me about the nightlife in Beijing. Those questions are: " Hay discotecas en Beijing?", "Tu gente tambien sale por la noche?", " Vais a dormir muy pronto, si?" They remained me a lot of those crazy nights I had in my lovely city. So for those who might be interested I found some pictures to answer those questions.
But to have a general idea, I also check some database online, let's have a look first:
1. Beijing, the heart of China; and the heart of this heart (the urban district) is 735 km2
2. There are 3699 coffee shops, bars, discos(clubs) and KTV (karaok) in the centro of Beijing. This number I got it from a well-known life style website, which means those places are recommended by someone who has been there before.
And now let's have a glance of the night in Beijing, with this beautiful song “ one night in Beijing"-It's a cover song and combined with Beijing Opera style.